Multiwage: The Reliable, Professional Payroll Management Solution

Multiwage: The Reliable, Professional Payroll Management Solution

Though the task of managing payroll is of course a crucial aspect of running any business, it often takes up a prohibitive amount of resources in terms of both time and money. In addition, even the smallest of errors can result in major negative impacts on employees and the business itself. It is therefore little wonder that outsourcing payroll management is becoming increasingly common but, if this is something you are considering, it is vital to choose a reliable, trustworthy and well-established payroll bureau.

That bureau is Multiwage, which has been developed by experts at Bachmann Group and informed by our many decades of experience in the complex and demanding HR sector. Our payroll management service has been chosen by businesses of all functions and sizes from countries all over the world and is trusted to handle many thousands of payments every month. 

Regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (GFSC) and approved by BACS, Multiwage payroll management services from Bachmann Group are delivered by a dedicated and knowledgeable team of experienced professionals, each of whom is officially certified by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP). Working closely together and utilising award-winning, state-of-the-art payroll software, the members of Multiwage team set the standard for excellence. 

Much of the ongoing success of Multiwage can be attributed to the work of our HR & Operations Director Liz Powell, who has developed and evolved the leading bureau. Liz joined Bachmann Group's support services team back in 2006 before moving to the payroll department. Her skills allowed her to quickly progress within the company, being promoted first to Senior HR Advisor and then to HR Manager soon after. Since October of 2016, Liz has been our HR & Operations Director and is responsible for managing all HR matters, including ensuring full compliance with MLC.  

Choosing Multiwage to manage your company's payroll frees up time and resources, allowing you to focus more sharply on its core requirements. As with all of our services, we work hard to create a bespoke package that meets all of your needs. 

To find out more about Multiwage payroll management, please browse our website, visit our YouTube channel or get in touch with our customer service team. Please also take a moment to subscribe to our newsletter, which is packed with a wide range of features and is delivered regularly to your email inbox.

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